Wednesday, December 12, 2012

About Jesus and the Chrstmas Shoes Song

The birth of Jesus was incredible because He who was God (John 1:1) became flesh and lived among us (John 1:14). This same Jesus died on the Cross, resurrected never to die again, and returned to Heaven.

Those who believe and trust in His atoning sacrifice as full payment of their sins can live and die knowing they will be with Jesus for all eternity. You can have that faith whether you are very young or very old. You can have that faith whether you are a graduate of a great university or have no formal education at all. You can have that faith whether you have much material wealth, and have barely enough to get by.

Those of us who love Jesus as our Savior and Lord also enjoy songs about Him. One such song I very much like lacks the wonderful teachings that many hymns contain but it does touch my heart. It's a song called The Christmas Shoes. It was song by the Christian vocal group NewSong and was released through Benson Records as a bonus track on their 2000 album Sheltering Tree.

As much as I like this song, I can't bear to listen to it very often, since I'm unable to listen to it with dry eyes. But it's good to listen to it at this time of year when we can get caught up in what gifts we should be buying for those we love, and wonder about what gifts we might  be given.

If you think you can bear it, you can listen to The Christmas Shoes. But keep a tissue handy just in case your eyes water a bit.

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