Saturday, February 16, 2013

In Jesus All Things Hold Together

Col 1:16-17  For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him.  And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together. ESV

This passage in Paul's letter to the Colossians does not describe Jesus as merely a profound teacher or religious leader. Jesus does teach and He does lead those who follow Him. But He is so much more than that.

This passage of Scripture, like the opening verses of the Gospel written by John, declare Jesus to be the one who created everything that has been created.

Apart from Jesus, nothing that has been created would exist. There would be no universe. No stars. No planets. No you. No me.

You and I owe our existence to Jesus. Jesus, as our creator, and the creator of everything else that has been created, knows everything about us and the rest of creation. He knows the purpose of why we and all else was created.

This passage of Scripture states that we were not created for the benefit of ourselves.Verse 17 states that all things were created through Him and for Him.

You and I and everyone and everything else was created for Jesus. Want to know what you purpose in life is? The purpose why you and everything else exists is Jesus.

This passage also makes it clear that Jesus didn't just create everything and then no longer had anything to do with it. It says that in Him all things hold together.

When Jesus was here in a flesh and blood body, He didn't cease to be who has always been and will always be. He who created everything still had power over everything. He could and did walk on water. He could and did calm a storm. He could and did make enough food to feed thousands of people. He restored crippled bodies and even brought people who had died back to life.

 He could do all those things because in Him all those things were held together. He is still holding all things together. He deserves more of our attention. We ought to learn all we can about Him and what He wants us to know. To know those things we need to know what is in the Bible.

If we're not learning what is written in the Bible we are going through life ignorant of what is really important. We were designed to be able to know and understand things. If you don't yet own a Bible, you can go online to read and study it for free. One such online site where you can do that is

Jesus is worthy of more of our attention. He holds everything together, including you and me. Apart from Him we could not exist. Let us give Him more of the attention He deserves.

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