Many people try to outdo other people in one thing or another. Sibling rivalry is exceedingly common in families. Students at school try to get ahead by getting better grades, excelling in sports, or becoming more popular. Workers compete to get promotions. Politicians seek to get more votes to get elected.
However in the Body of Christ there is (or should be) more emphasis on loving and serving one another than competing with one another. Just like in a human body, things go much better when both eyes look in the same direction and when neither foot tries to get too far ahead of the other.
Nevertheless there is a benefit for members of the Body of Christ to compete with one another in one area. Paul wrote about it in the second half of Romans 12:10:
Romans 12:10 ...Outdo one another in showing honor. ESVOutdo one another in showing honor. The NIV translation renders it "Honor one another above yourselves." The Greek conveys the meaning of taking the lead in honoring others. Doing so isn't easy for us, but that never stops God from requiring it because it is what is right. It is humbling to honor others rather than seek to get others to honor us. As it happens, that is a good thing because "God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble." (James 4:6)
If a person is to excel in any activity he or she needs become committed to it. For believers that should mean praying for God's help, and giving thought to what God has said in Scripture that can assist them to do what is required. God doesn't expect us to depend on our own strength and determination. He knows how weak we are and knows we need Him to accomplish what He commands us to do. He even gives us the faith to believe and do what He says is true and right.
So let's give thought to God wanting us to outdo each other in showing honor. Let's think about how doing so will please our Lord. Let's consider what it will be like when the Holy Spirit enables us to do better at honoring others. Then let's do it. Then do it again. And again.
How shall we honor others in ways that please God? Well, doing things for them and with them in a humble manner. Checking Scripture for instructions on both our attitudes and actions, and not getting ourselves all puffed up when we do a few things Biblically.
Honoring others does not mean always agreeing with others about everything they say and do, but it does mean that when correcting or rebuking is necessary that it be done without a "I'm better than you are" kind of attitude.
I hope all of us in the Body of Christ will seek God's help in obeying the call to outdo one another in showing honor. Let's go to it!
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