1Co 15:17-20 And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins. Then those also who have fallen asleep in Christ are lost. If only for this life we have hope in Christ, we are to be pitied more than all men. But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep. NIV
Do you believe that Christ literally rose from the dead? It's rather an important question.
To better understand the question, do you believe that He was really dead, and that He not only came alive again but that He came alive in a physical body that could never die again?
If Jesus didn't really die on the Cross then there has never been a sinless sacrifice and we are all still in our sins, and we are without hope.
If Jesus didn't die and come back to life then He was a liar when He again and again said that was what He was going to do. If Christ is liar then nobody should follow Him.
How could anybody believe that Jesus rose from the dead, never to die again?
Those who crucifed Jesus certainly didn't expect Him to come back to life. A spear thrust into his side made extra sure He was totally dead.
Even the disciples didn't expect Him to come back to life. They went into hiding lest they be next ones to be arrested and put to death.
But Jesus did not remain dead. He rose from the dead and when He came to His disciples He even made them touch Him, feel His scars, and even ate bread and fish with them to show how really alive He was.
Those who saw and spent time with the risen Christ were arrested, beaten, and even killed because they couldn't keep such good news to themselves. Peter, who vehemently denied being His follower after Jesus was taken to be tried, could not be kept quiet about Jesus. Peter knew that Jesus had died, rose again, and even forgiven him for denying Him.
If you do not yet believe that Jesus literally died and rose again, never to die again, I ask you to take time to read the New Testament. Don't just think it's a bunch of made up stories. Read it. Decide for yourself whether it is worth believing.
It would be far better for you do discover now who Jesus is than when He returns to judge everyone. If Jesus is who He says He is, then how you relate to Him will make all the difference in the world. for all eternity,.
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