Sunday, March 6, 2011

Our Boss Tends Sheep

Joh 10:14-15  "I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me --  just as the Father knows me and I know the Father—and I lay down my life for the sheep. NIV

Our boss, Jesus, is a shepherd. He is a good shepherd. He not only cares about His sheep, He also knows them. He knows them completely. Thoroughly. He knows their needs. He knows their faults. He knew they needed Him to die for their sins. He knows how to call them to follow Him.

Amazingly, His sheep also know Him. They don't know Him in exactly the same way or to the extent that He knows them, but this one thing they do know about Him. They know He is their shepherd.

Many people hear the Biblical good news about Jesus dying for sins so that people could live eternally with Him as their Lord, but not all people believe who Jesus is or what He did.

Those who believe in Jesus as the one who laid down His life to obtain the forgiveness of our sins, now gratefully acknowledge and follow Him as our wonderfully good shepherd.

If you are His sheep you will want to follow Jesus wherever He leads you, and seek to do whatever He wants you to do.

Those of us who are His sheep can know what He wants us to do by reading the Bible and by being taught by those who He's raised up to help us to know what is in the Bible.

Sheep, by the way, need a shepherd. It is good to know that we need a shepherd. It is especially good to know that we need Jesus to be our shepherd. There can be no better shepherd than Jesus. Those who do not have Him as there shepherd are lost whether they know it or not.

I'm glad to have Jesus as my shepherd. If you do not have Him as your shepherd and do not want Him to be your shepherd, then I beseech you to seriously consider that there is coming a time when it will too late to change your mind about Jesus being your shepherd, savior, and Lord. When that time comes you will have all eternity to regret your rejection of Him and complain about the consequences.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks John. It's good to be reminded about my Good Shepherd.
